Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released


We are performing scheduled maintenance from 8:30am to 9:30am, Monday, March 24th, Eastern time.

Organization: Library and Archives Canada

Year: 2023

Month: November

Request Number: A-2023-03063

Request Summary: I would like to get a copy of the following ten files that deal with the history of Canadian research during WWII. The files are currently registered as restricted documents. The format of data is as follows: Reference; Volume number; File number; Start year; End year. RG24-C-1; C-5100; 7424; 1937; 1941 RG24-C-1; C-5006; 4354-14-3; 1941; 1943 RG24-C-1; C-5004; 4354-9-3-5; 1941; 1941 RG24-C-1; C-5007; 4354-20-5-3; 1943; 1947 RG24-C-1; C-5007; 4354-20-1-2; 1944; 1946 RG24-C-1; C-5017; 4354-29-11-10; 1946; 1946 RG24-C-1; C-5016; 4354-29-2; 1943; 1946 RG24-C-1; C-5016; 4354-29-4; 1943; 1946 RG24-E-1-b; 5435; 457-3-4; 1939; 1947 RG24-E-1-c; 79; TS 47-1-16; 1945; 1948

Disposition: All disclosed

Number of pages: 2082

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