Demande d'accès à l'information informelle dossiers précédemment publiés

Organisation: Bibliothèque et Archives Canada

Année: 2023

Mois: janvier

Numéro de la demande: A-2020-09272

Résumé de la demande: RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 97, Dossier no. 5-3, Partie 1, «Health and Occupational Centres - Western Counties Veterans Lodge», 1942/11/19-1945/05/30. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 6, Dossier no. 1-19-1, «Westminster Hospital - Railway Siding», 1917/08/22-1950/06/15. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 6, Dossier no. 1-19-2, Partie 1, «Westminster Hospital - Mental Occupation», 1942/11/18-1943/06/28. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 6, Dossier no. 1-19-2, Partie 2, «Westminster Hospital - Mental Occupation», 1943/05/01-1943/12/06. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 6, Dossier no. 1-19-2, Partie 3, «Westminster Hospital - Mental Occupation», 1944/01/03-1944/11/28. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 6, Dossier no. 1-19-2, Partie 4, «Westminster Hospital, London, Ontario - Mental Occupation», 1944/12/02-1950/12/01. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 7, Dossier no. 1-19-2-1, Partie 1, «Westminster Hospital, London, Ontario - Acquisition of Land», 1942/12/09-1945/03/29. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 7, Dossier no. 1-19-2-1, Partie 2, «Westminster Hospital, London, Ontario - Acquisition of Land», 1945/03/31-1951/12/28. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 7, Dossier no. 1-19-3, Partie 1, «Westminster Hospital, London, Ontario - Staffing Residence», 1919/10/28-1948/12/10. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 7, Dossier no. 1-19-3, Partie 2, «Westminster Hospital, London, Ontario - Staffing Residence», 1949/03/23-1951/04/11. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 7, Dossier no. 1-19-4, «Westminster Hospital, London, Ontario - Red Cross Lodge», 1944/06/17-1958/12/12. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 7, Dossier no. 1-19-7, «Westminster Hospital, London, Ontario – Landscaping», 1950/07/31-1950/08/08. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 7, Dossier no. 1-19-8, «Westminster Hospital, London, Ontario - Building 27», 1949/06/30-1949/11/03. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 7, Dossier no. 1-24, Partie 1, «Crumlin Veterans Hospital, London, Ontario», 1945/12/27-1946/05/01. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 7, Dossier no. 1-24, Partie 2, «Crumlin Veterans Hospital, London, Ontario», 1947/01/03-1951/09/27. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 7, Dossier no. 1-19-2-1, Partie 3, «Westminster Hospital, London, Ontario - Acquisition of Land», 1951/12/28-1962/09/10. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 7, Dossier no. 1-19-2, Partie 5, «Westminster Hospital, London, Ontario - Mental Occupation», 1951/01/18-1955/10/24. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 17, Dossier no. 1-47, «Western Hospital», 1918/09/19-1942/08/14. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 48, Dossier no. 3-5-LO, «Treatment Services - Records - District, London, Ontario», 1938/11/05-1949/11/18. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 62, Dossier no. 3-15-1-31, Partie 1, «Treatment Services - Monthly Dietary Reports - Westminster Hospital», 1947/04/30-1951/03/31. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 62, Dossier no. 3-15-1-31, Partie 2, «Treatment Services - Monthly Dietary Reports - Westminster Hospital», 1951/04/30-1955/04/21. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 62, Dossier no. 3-15-1-31, Partie 3, «Treatment Services - Monthly Dietary Reports - Westminster Hospital», 1955/04/30-1959/01/19. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 62, Dossier no. 3-15-1-31, Partie 4, «Treatment Services - Monthly Dietary Reports - Westminster Hospital», 1959/01/31-1962/01/15. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 62, Dossier no. 3-15-1-31, Partie 5, «Treatment Services - Monthly Dietary Reports - Westminster Hospital», 1962/01/31-1964/08/31. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 62, Dossier no. 3-15-1-31, Partie 6, «Treatment Services - Monthly Dietary Reports - Westminster Hospital», 1964/03/02-1964/09/30. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 66, Dossier no. 3-28-LO, «Treatment Services - Occupational Therapy - District, London, Ont.», 1935/01/31-1952/01/25. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 71, Dossier no. 3-46-LO, «Treatment Services - Outpatient Clinics - London, Ont.», 1920/03/17-1948/05/14. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 74, Dossier no. 3-50-2-LO, Partie 1, «Treatment Services- Laboratory Services - District, London», 1947/03/04-1962/11/30. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 74, Dossier no. 3-50-2-LO, Partie 2, «Treatment Services- Laboratory Services - District, London», 1963/01/30-1963/01/30. RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 76, Dossier no.

Disposition: Communication partielle

Nombre de pages: 7563

Date de modification :