Organisation: Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
Année: 2021
Mois: novembre
Numéro de la demande: A-2020-04368
Résumé de la demande: R2033-0-7-E, Vol 1 – 2. Correspondance [document textuel]. MIKAN 102088. R2033-0-7-E, Vol 2. Mémoires et notes [document textuel]. MIKAN 117179. R6390-0-1-E/MG30-B40, Vol 2. Correspondance [document textuel]. MIKAN 131725. R6390-0-1-E/MG30-B40, Vol 9, dossier 17. Correspondance [document textuel]. MIKAN 131725. R6390-0-1-E/MG30-B40, Vol 7, dossier 11. Correspondance [document textuel]. MIKAN 131725. RG42, Vol 475, dossier 84-2-29, partie 1. «Canadian Arctic Expedition - Stefansson Arctic Expedition - Prior preparations». MIKAN 1641257. RG42, Vol 476, dossier 84-2-29, partie 4. «Canadian Arctic Expedition - Stefansson Arctic Expedition - Progress reports from Arctic». MIKAN 1641258. RG18-F-1, Vol 3757, dossier G-516-37, partie 1. «Sovereignty over the islands lying north of the mainland protected by the force - Expeditions, correspondence (wireless), paper clippings, jurisdiction dispute between Canada and Denmark over possession of Ellesmere land». MIKAN 5070714. R6390-0-1-E/MG30-B40, Vol 3, dossier 3-4. Correspondance [document textuel]. MIKAN 131725. R6390-0-1-E/MG30-B40, Vol 10, dossier 1 et 4. Correspondance [document textuel]. MIKAN 131725. R1528-0-0-E, Vol 3, dossier 19. Correspondance [document textuel]. MIKAN 108300. RG85, Vol 1124, dossier 1005-5-1, partie 1-2. «Wrangel Island (USSR) - General file (Maps of Wrangel Island) (Map of Polar Regions)». MIKAN 1581465. RG25, Vol 2667, dossier 9057-B-40, partie 1. «Canadian sovereignty over Wrangel Islands». MIKAN 1799778. MG26-J4, Vol 147, dossier 1205, bobine C-2731, Page C107363. Wrangel Island. MIKAN 442026 MG30-B57, R1644-0-7-E. Vol 1. Dépêches ; Correspondances ; Rapports et notes. MIKAN 98048.
Disposition: Exclusion totale
Nombre de pages: 0