Organisation: Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
Année: 2022
Mois: août
Numéro de la demande: A-2020-09278
Résumé de la demande: RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 565, No. Dossier 5432-18-2, Partie 3, «''Medical Organization - Physical Medicine - Occupational Therapy, 1947/06/03-1948/12/21.» RG38, BAN 2001-01151-2, Boîte 566, No. Dossier 5432-18-2, Partie 4, «''Medical Organization - Physical Medicine - Occupational Therapy,” 1949/01/01-1953/10/28.» RG38 /R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 3, No. Dossier 3-28, Partie 6, «''Treatment Services - Occupational Therapy,” 1943/08/01- 1946/03/31.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 3, No. Dossier 3-28, Partie 7, «Treatment Services - Occupational Therapy,” 1946/03/30- 1946/12/31.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 3, No. Dossier 3-28, Partie 8, «''Treatment Services - Occupational Therapy,” 1947/01/01- 1947/07/31.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 3, No. Dossier 3-28, Partie 9, «Treatment Services - Occupational Therapy,” 1947/08/01- 1967/01/31.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 7, No. Dossier 66-11-2, «''Training Occupations, Semi-Professional,” 1942/06/01- 1960/03/31» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 7, No. Dossier 66-11-4, «Training Occupations, Clerical and Kindred”, 1943/03/01- 1949/11/30» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 7, No. Dossier 66-11-5, «''Training Occupations, Sales and Kindred,” 1946/01/01- 1947/01/31.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 7, No. Dossier 66-11-5-1, «“Training Occupations, Sales and Kindred Insurance Salesman,” 1944/06/01- 1947/06/30.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 8, No. Dossier 66-11-10, «“Training Occupations, Agriculture Horticulture, Fishery & Forestry – Kindred,” 1942/02/04- 1959/10/04.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 8, No. Dossier 66-11-11, «“Training Occupations, Production of Food Products,” 1945/05/23- 1945/05/25.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 8, No. Dossier 66-11-12, «“Training Occupations, Manufacture of Textiles,” 1945/03/29- 1946/10/29.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 8, No. Dossier 66-11-13, «“Training Occupations, Manufacture of Garments,” 1946/04/16- 1950/11/28.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 8, No. Dossier 66-11-14, «“Training Occupations, Lumber and Lumber Products,” 1945/10/15- 1948/07/15.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 8, No. Dossier 66-11-15, «“Training Occupations, Printing & Publishing,” 1947/01/03- 1948/07/20.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 8, No. Dossier 66-11-19, «“Training Occupations, Leather and Leather Products,” 1947/04/02- 1947/06/11.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 8, No. Dossier 66-11-21, «“Training Occupations, Metal Working,” 1946/03/14- 1951/08/15.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 8, No. Dossier 66-11-21-1, «“Training Occupations, MetalHorology (Watch Making),” 1946/03/29- 1950/10/18.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 8, Numéro de dossier 66-11-22, «“Training Occupations, Electrical,” 1945/08/17- 1947/08/18.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 8, Numéro de dossier 66-11-24, «“Training Occupations, Manufacture of Miscellaneous Products,” 1943/12/01- 1948/09/30.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 8, Numéro de dossier 66-11-25, «“Training Occupations, Extraction of Minerals,” 1945/03/07- 1948/02/14.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 8, Numéro de dossier 66-11-26, «“Training Occupations, Construction,” 1943/03/08- 1950/04/19.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 8, Numéro de dossier 66-11-27, «“Training Occupations, Transportation,” 1945/10/04- 1948/07/19.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 8, Numéro de dossier 66-11-28, «“Training Occupations, Commercial & Public Utilities,” 1946/12/06- 1948/06/15.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 8, Numéro de dossier 66-11-29, «“Training Occupations, Trade & Service,” 1946/10/28- 1951/12/14.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 8, Numéro de dossier 66-11-30, «“Training Occupations, Public Service (N.E.C.),” 1946/05/10- 1952/07/15.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 8, Numéro de dossier 66-11-31, «“Training Occupations, Miscellaneous (other than listed),” 1943/10/01- 1953/01/31.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 8, Numéro de dossier 66-11-6, «“Training Occupations, Domestic Service,” 1945/08/01- 1946/11/30.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 8, Numéro de dossier 66-11-7, Partieie 1, «“Training Occupations, Personal Service,” 1944/04/21- 1946/12/30.» RG38/R1183, BAN 2003-01301-6, Boîte 8, Numéro de dossier 66-11-7, Partie 2,
Disposition: Communication partielle
Nombre de pages: 4160